April 30, 2024

Blood Friar - Meeting

[Posted by Ted H]

Been pouring my free time into my Showdown card creation obsession, apologies. Have ideas cooking in my brain for writing though...


[Blood Friar - Meeting]

To his credit, the cop was prompt and already in a booth when John arrived. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and had a crew cut, giving him every bit the professional image John had imagined. “Detective Baird,” John said as he walked over and extended his hand. Baird had been contemplating the menu when John arrived and dropped it as he rose to shake hands. “That’s right,” he said as he eyed John, “You’re not Blake though.”
“Observant,” John said as they took their seats across from each other. “Kind of my job,” Baird stated, “I was given a certain expectation of Blake, which you don’t fit. I assume you’re the other one he works with.”

“John Praque.”

“Yes, and while I am aware that you work with him, Blake is the one who has the expertise I need.” Baird seemed like he was getting ready to walk out, waiting only for John to confirm that Blake was in fact not going to arrive. John could already hear Matthew complaining in his head about the situation. He thought about lying to stall the detective, but he knew of all people to not bull shit a cop. John cleared his throat to give the news, but a waitress arrived before he could talk.